Sunday, November 18, 2007

What About the Bowl

Something about the bowl really annoys me. I can't find anyone that comments on the bowl. I think that what bothers me about the bowl is what bothers me about the stories in general - the sense of the unknown. I think I need more definitive answers in the stories I read.

I found the idea of three slightly connected stories interesting and the plots ideas were different. The semi-ongoing characters interrupted my ability to stay within the stories. The concept in the first half of the last story was the part I found most fascinating, but I became uninterested once the chase scenes began. I identified with the main character in the final story the most and had difficulty believing almost all of the other characters.


  1. Are you talking about Speciman Days? I couldn't finish the book. But then I have had trouble concentrating and finishing any book lately.
    I think Michael Cunningham is a pretentious writer. Have to say, I have started but gotten bored with every one of his books.

  2. M: Yes, that's the book. I did finish the whole book, but mostly because I said here I'd read it. I am not in a hurry to read his other books based on this one. I get the feeling he was attempting to imbue the stories with lots of Freudian and Jungian meaning, but the symbolism felt contrived and obvious to me. The stories were somewhat different but I could never get immersed in them.
